Part 1 (Thursday's attempt)

public class book {  //class name need to be captalized
private String title;
private int id;

    public book(){ //need input title
    String title = this.title; //this.title should be on the left, and we would set that equal to the input title
    int id =; 

    public String getTitle(){
        return title; 

    public int getId(){
        return id;

    public String toString(){ 
        return ; //getTitle() - directly put getters' names here

    public int getCount(){ 
        int count = 0;
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<book.length; i++){
        return count;

    public static void main(String[] args){ 
        book book1 = new book("Scarlet Letter"); //Book <- class name
        book book2 = new book("Animal Farm");

        book2.getTitle();  //in test method, we need to use System.out.print

        String[] library = {"Scarlet Letter", "Animal Farm"};



|           return ; //getTitle() - directly put getters' names here
incompatible types: missing return value

|           for (i=0; i<book.length; i++){
cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable length

|           book book1 = new book("Scarlet Letter"); //Book <- class name
constructor book in class book cannot be applied to given types;
  required: no arguments
  found:    java.lang.String
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

|           book book2 = new book("Animal Farm");
constructor book in class book cannot be applied to given types;
  required: no arguments
  found:    java.lang.String
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

|           library.getCount();
cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method getCount()
//revise to make code run
public class Book {
    private String title;
    private int id;
        public Book(String title, int id){
        this.title = title; = id;
        public String getTitle(){
            return title;
        public int getId(){
            return id;
        public String toString(){
            return getTitle() + getId();
        public static int getCount(String[] arr){
            int count = 0;
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
            return count;

        public static int getCount(Book[] arr){
            int count = 0;
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
            return count;
        public static void main(String[] args){
            Book book1 = new Book("Scarlet Letter", 12345);
            Book book2 = new Book("Animal Farm", 24680);
            String[] library = {"Scarlet Letter", "Animal Farm"};
            Book[] library2 = {book1, book2};

Scarlet Letter
Animal Farm

Part 1 (Friday)

class Book (Part 1) Close Book

  1. Define 1 argument constructor for title,
  2. Define toString method for id and title.
  3. Generate unique id for each object
  4. Create a public getter that has Book Count
  5. Define tester method that initializes at least 2 books, outputs id and title, and provides a count of books in library.
//sample tester method code

System.out.println("Libary Book Count: " + Book.getBookCount());  // Notice how this method exist and works before any books are created

Book[] books = {    // Use Array iniitialization to add book
            new Book("Barron's Computer Science \"A\""),  // Set a new Book object as array element.
            new Book("Angels and Demons"),
            new Book("Lion, Witch, and a Wardrobe")

for (Book book : books) {  // Use Foreach syntax to iterate over array
     System.out.println(book);   // this is same as book.toString()

System.out.println("Libary Book Count: " + Book.getBookCount());
//revised part 1 to use static

public class Book {
    private String title;
    private int id;
    private static int SID = 0; //static (not an instance variable) - a class variable
    private long enterTime; 
        public Book(String title){ //one argument constructor
            this.title = title;
   = ++SID; 
            this.enterTime = System.nanoTime(); //add a time when book entered the library using nanoTime()
        public String getTitle(){
            return title;

        public int getID(){
            return id;

        public long getTime(){
            return enterTime;
        public String toString(){
            return getTitle() + getID();
        public static int getCount(){
            return SID;

        public static void main(String[] args){
            System.out.println(Book.getCount()); //class method can be used without creating objects

            Book book1 = new Book("Scarlet Letter");

            System.out.println(Book.getCount()); //1 book created - would return 1

            Book book2 = new Book("Animal Farm");

            System.out.println("book 1 title: " + book1.getTitle());
            System.out.println("book 2 title: " + book2.getTitle());
            System.out.println("book 1 id: " + book1.getID()); //book 1 -> id:1
            System.out.println("book 2 id: " + book2.getID()); //book 2 -> id:2

            System.out.println("book count: " + Book.getCount()); //static class method (Book.method();)

book 1 title: Scarlet Letter
book 2 title: Animal Farm
book 1 id: 1
book 2 id: 2
book count: 2

Part 2

extended Classes (Part 2) Try to use alternate forms of loops and techniques for construction.

  1. Ensure Novel and Textbook run the Constructor from Book.
  2. Create instance variables unique to Novel has Author, Textbook has publishing company. New items are not required by Constructor.
  3. Make Getters and Setters for all new items. You can add your own.
  4. Add a time when book entered the library. This should be same for Parent and Subclasses.
  5. Make sure there are getters and setters for items as needed. For instance, be able to set items not required by constructor.
  6. Define tester method to test all items.
//Alternate for of initializing static data.  You can use this to construct objects and get familiar with 2D arrays (Win, Win)

// 2D array initialization
        String [][] books = {
            { "e=MC^2 a Biography",
              "Pan Books (January 1, 2001)"},                        // row 0

            { "The Practice of Programming",
              "Addison-Wesley Professional Computing" }              // row 1
//subclass Novel
public class Novel extends Book { //extends Book class

    private String author;
    //private long enterTime;
    //(moved to Book class)
        public Novel(String title){
            super(title);  //call superclass constructor with parameter title using super()
   = author;
         //this.enterTime = System.nanoTime(); //add a time when book entered the library using nanoTime()
         //(moved to Book class)
        //new getters and setters
        public String getAuthor(){ 
            return author;
        public void setAuthor(String str){
   = str;

        //toString method
        public String toString() {
            return super.toString() + "Author: " + getAuthor(); //use Book class toString method through super.toString()
        public static void main(String[] args){
        Novel novel1 = new Novel("novel1");
        novel1.setAuthor("people1"); //set author name
        System.out.println("novel 1 author: " + novel1.getAuthor());
        Novel novel2 = new Novel("novel2");
        System.out.println("novel 2 author: " + novel2.getAuthor());

        System.out.println("novel 1 title: " + novel1.getTitle()); //can also use superclass method
        System.out.println("novel 1 enter time: " + novel1.getTime() + " nanoseconds"); //get enter time

        System.out.println("novel 2 title: " + novel2.getTitle());  
        System.out.println("novel 2 enter time: " + novel2.getTime() + " nanoseconds");  //but is different novel having different time? 

novel 1 author: people1
novel 2 author: people2
novel 1 title: novel1
novel 1 enter time: 5649239124000 nanoseconds
novel 2 title: novel2
novel 2 enter time: 5649239369875 nanoseconds
public class Textbook extends Book { //extends Book class

    private String company;
    //private long enterTime;
    //(moved to Book class)
        public Textbook(String title){
            super(title);  //call superclass constructor with parameter title using super()
   = company;
         //this.enterTime = System.nanoTime(); //add a time when book entered the library using nanoTime()
         //(moved to Book class)
        //new getters and setters
        public String getCompany(){ 
            return company;
        public void setCompany(String str){
   = str;

        //toString method
        public String toString() {
            return super.toString() + getCompany(); //use Book class toString method through super.toString()
        public static void main(String[] args){
        Textbook textbook1 = new Textbook("textbook");
        textbook1.setCompany("company1"); //set author name
        System.out.println("company 1 name: " + textbook1.getCompany());

company 1 name: company1

Part 3

Simulation (Part 3)

  1. Build a Tester Method that does a Simulation.
  2. Define a default method in Book that returns "current shelfLife" from date/time of construction. (Hint, think about capturing time in sorts)
  3. Define shelfLife expiration methods as needed in TextBook and Novel.
    • A TextBook has a fixed shelf life based on the date/time of constructor. (Hint, simulation 3 yrs as 3000 nanoseconds)
    • A Novel has a computed shelf life of expiration, the simulation should extend shelf life if a certain number of return stamps where placed in the book. (Hint, 3 return stamps renews for an extra year)
  4. Use a sleep in Java to assist with simulation
  5. Make a method that looks at book in library and determines if they need to come of the shelf, try to have title and on/off status in output.
// To have a library, you will likely need a Data Structure.  Remember this could not be part of an Object, but could still be part of the Class.
        ArrayList<Book> library = new ArrayList<Book>();
public class Book {
    private String title;
    private int id;
    private static int SID = 0; //static (not an instance variable) - a class variable
    private long currentShelfLife; 
        public Book(String title){ //one argument constructor
        this.title = title; = SID + 1; 
        this.currentShelfLife = System.nanoTime(); //add a time when book entered the library using nanoTime()
        public String getTitle(){
            return title;

        public int getID(){
            return id;

        public long getCurrentShelfLife(){
            return currentShelfLife;
        public String toString(){
            return getTitle() + getID() + getCurrentShelfLife();
        public static int getCount(){
            return SID;

        public int extendShelfLife(){
        public static void main(String[] args){


//broke - remove book from library

//extend shelflife()
    //nano.Time - shelflife

    //Thread.sleep() - some time to decrease power

    //random generate a num between 0-5; 3 checkouts renews for an extra year/full power

    //if (shelflife <= 0)