Change or add data to the 2D arrays

Apple 1

 * Class for apples: a 2D array of apples
 * As well as method to print the Poem

class AppleLoop {
    String [][] apples;     
     * Constructor initializes a 2D array of apples
    public AppleLoop() {
        //Storing Data in 2D arrays
        apples = new String[][]{   
                //Apple 0
                        "   ,--./,-. ",       //[0][0] 
                        "  /        | ",      //[0][1] 
                        " |          | ",     //[0][2]
                        "  |        /  ",     //[0][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'   "      //[0][4] 
                //Apple 1
                        "   ,--./,-. ",       //[1][0] 
                        "  / #      | ",      //[1][1] 
                        " |          | ",     //[1][2]
                        "  |        /  ",     //[1][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'   "      //[1][4] 
                //Apple 2
                        "   ,--./,-. ",     
                        "  / #      | ",      
                        " |       @  | ",      
                        "  |        /  ",      
                        "   `._,._,'   "       
                //Apple 3
                        "   ,--|,-(~)  ",      //[3][0]
                        "  / #    )=)  ",
                        " (      (_/ ) ",
                        "  |        /  ",
                        "   `._,._,'   "     
                //Apple 4
                        "   ,--./,-. ",        //[4][0]
                        "  /,-._.--~| ",          
                        "   __}  {__   ",       
                        "  |`-._,-`-, ",
                        "   `._,._,'   "         


    public void printPoem() {

        System.out.println("You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?");
        int appleCount = apples.length; //.length  number of rows
        int row = 0;  //not included in for loop
        for (int i = 4; i < appleCount && i != -1; i--)    //i != -1 because we want to stop the for loop after printing the fifth apple, and we starts with i = 4, so we need to stop when i is =-1
            System.out.println("The apple:");
            System.out.println(" ");

                for (int col = 0; col < apples[row].length; col++) {  

                    // prints specific part of the apple from the column when row is 0/1/2/3/4
                    System.out.print(apples[row][col] + " ");

                    //this is new line between separate parts
                row += 1;  // print everything that's on row 1/2/3/4, which are Apple 1/2/3/4 



        //finishing messages
        System.out.println("This is the story of an uneaten apple.");
        System.out.println("             THE END              ");

    * A Java Driver/Test method that is the entry point for execution
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        new AppleLoop().printPoem();   //a new apple list and output in one step

You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?

The apple:
  /        |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

The apple:
  / #      |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

The apple:
  / #      |  
 |       @  |  
  |        /   

The apple:
  / #    )=)   
 (      (_/ )  
  |        /   

The apple:
   __}  {__    

This is the story of an uneaten apple.
             THE END              

Version 1 - changing data in the 2d array

 * Class for apples: a 2D array of apples
 * As well as method to print the Poem

class AppleLoop {
    String [][] apples;     
     * Constructor initializes a 2D array of apples
    public AppleLoop() {
        //Storing Data in 2D arrays
        apples = new String[][]{   
                        "   ,--./,-.   ",       //[0][0] 
                        "   ,--./,-.   ",       //[0][1] 
                        "   ,--./,-.   ",       //[0][2] 
                        "   ,--|,-(~)  ",       //[0][3] 
                        "   ,--./,-.   "        //[0][4] 
                        "  /        |  ",     //[1][0] 
                        "  / #      |  ", 
                        "  / #      |  ", 
                        "  / #    )=)  ",
                        "  /,-._.--~| "    
                        " |          | ",   //[2][0] 
                        " |          | ",  
                        " |       @  | ", 
                        " (      (_/ ) ",
                        "   __}  {__   "    
                        "  |        /  ",   //[3][0] 
                        "  |        /  ",
                        "  |        /  ",   
                        "  |        /  ",
                        "  |`-._,-`-, "
                        "   `._,._,'   ",   //[4][0] 
                        "   `._,._,'   ",  
                        "   `._,._,'   ",         
                        "   `._,._,'   ",
                        "   `._,._,'   "  


    public void printPoem() {

        System.out.println("You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?");
        System.out.println("The apple:");
        System.out.println(" ");
        int appleCount = apples.length; //.length  number of rows
        int row = 0;  //not included in for loop
        for (int i = 4; i < appleCount && i != -1; i--)   

                for (int col = 0; col < apples[row].length; col++) {  

                    // prints specific part of the apple  from the column
                    System.out.print(apples[row][col] + " ");

                row += 1; //printing second/third/fourth/fifth row  

                System.out.println(); //break between each row

        System.out.println(); // break between apples and the final messages
        //finishing messages
        System.out.println("This is the story of an uneaten apple.");
        System.out.println("             THE END              ");

    * A Java Driver/Test method that is the entry point for execution
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        new AppleLoop().printPoem();   //a new apple list and output in one step

You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?

The apple:
   ,--./,-.       ,--./,-.       ,--./,-.       ,--|,-(~)      ,--./,-.    
  /        |     / #      |     / #      |     / #    )=)     /,-._.--~|  
 |          |   |          |   |       @  |   (      (_/ )     __}  {__    
  |        /     |        /     |        /     |        /     |`-._,-`-,  
   `._,._,'       `._,._,'       `._,._,'       `._,._,'       `._,._,'    

This is the story of an uneaten apple.
             THE END              

Version 2 - without changing data in the 2d array

 * Class for apples: a 2D array of apples
 * As well as method to print the Poem

class AppleLoop {
    String [][] apples;     
     * Constructor initializes a 2D array of apples
    public AppleLoop() {
        //Storing Data in 2D arrays
        apples = new String[][]{   
                //Apple 0
                        "   ,--./,-. ",       //[0][0] 
                        "  /        | ",      //[0][1] 
                        " |          | ",     //[0][2]
                        "  |        /  ",     //[0][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'   "      //[0][4] 
                //Apple 1
                        "   ,--./,-. ",       //[1][0] 
                        "  / #      | ",      //[1][1] 
                        " |          | ",     //[1][2]
                        "  |        /  ",     //[1][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'   "      //[1][4] 
                //Apple 2
                        "   ,--./,-. ",     
                        "  / #      | ",      
                        " |       @  | ",      
                        "  |        /  ",      
                        "   `._,._,'   "       
                //Apple 3
                        "   ,--|,-(~)  ",      //[3][0]
                        "  / #    )=)  ",
                        " (      (_/ ) ",
                        "  |        /  ",
                        "   `._,._,'   "     
                //Apple 4
                        "   ,--./,-. ",        //[4][0]
                        "  /,-._.--~| ",          
                        "   __}  {__   ",       
                        "  |`-._,-`-, ",
                        "   `._,._,'   "         


    public void printPoem() {

        System.out.println("You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?");
        System.out.println("The apple:");
        System.out.println(" ");
        int appleCount = apples.length; //.length  number of rows
        int col = 0;  //change row to col
        for (int i = 4; i < appleCount && i != -1; i--)    //i != -1 because we want to stop the for loop after printing the fifth apple, and we starts with i = 4, so we need to stop when i is =-1

                for (int row = 0; row < apples.length; row++) {  //change col to row

                    // prints specific part of the apple from the column when row is 0/1/2/3/4
                    System.out.print(apples[row][col] + " ");

                    //this is new line between separate parts
                    System.out.print("\t"); //tab between each heads of the apples instead of break
                col += 1;  // print everything that's on col 1/2/3/4

                System.out.println(); //break between the heads/necks...different parts of the apples


        //finishing messages
        System.out.println("This is the story of an uneaten apple.");
        System.out.println("             THE END              ");

    * A Java Driver/Test method that is the entry point for execution
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        new AppleLoop().printPoem();   //a new apple list and output in one step

You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?

The apple:
   ,--./,-.  	   ,--./,-.  	   ,--./,-.  	   ,--|,-(~)   	   ,--./,-.  	
  /        |  	  / #      |  	  / #      |  	  / #    )=)   	  /,-._.--~|  	
 |          |  	 |          |  	 |       @  |  	 (      (_/ )  	   __}  {__    	
  |        /   	  |        /   	  |        /   	  |        /   	  |`-._,-`-,  	
   `._,._,'    	   `._,._,'    	   `._,._,'    	   `._,._,'    	   `._,._,'    	

This is the story of an uneaten apple.
             THE END              

Version 3 - not changing the 2d array

 * Class for apples: a 2D array of apples
 * As well as method to print the Poem

class AppleLoop {
    String [][] apples;     
     * Constructor initializes a 2D array of apples
    public AppleLoop() {
        //Storing Data in 2D arrays
        apples = new String[][]{   
                //Apple 0
                        "   ,--./,-.    ",       //[0][0] 
                        "  /        |   ",      //[0][1] 
                        " |          |  ",     //[0][2]
                        "  |        /   ",     //[0][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'    "      //[0][4] 
                //Apple 1
                        "   ,--./,-.    ",       //[1][0] 
                        "  / #      |   ",      //[1][1] 
                        " |          |  ",     //[1][2]
                        "  |        /   ",     //[1][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'    "      //[1][4] 
                //Apple 2
                        "   ,--./,-.    ",     
                        "  / #      |   ",      
                        " |       @   | ",      
                        "  |        /   ",      
                        "   `._,._,'    "       
                //Apple 3
                        "   ,--|,-(~)   ",      //[3][0]
                        "  / #    )=)   ",
                        " (      (_/ )  ",
                        "  |        /   ",
                        "   `._,._,'    "     
                //Apple 4
                        "   ,--./,-.    ",        //[4][0]
                        "  /,-._.--~|   ",          
                        "   __}  {__    ",       
                        "  |`-._,-`-,   ",
                        "   `._,._,'    "         


    public void printPoem() {

        System.out.println("You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?");
        System.out.println("The apple:");
        System.out.println(" ");
        int appleCount = apples.length; //.length  number of rows
        int row = 0;  //not included in for loop
        for (int i = 4; i < appleCount && i != -1; i--)    //i != -1 because we want to stop the for loop after printing the fifth apple, and we starts with i = 4, so we need to stop when i is =-1

                for (int col = 0; col < apples[row].length; col++) {  

                    // prints specific part of the apple from the column when row is 0/1/2/3/4
                    System.out.print(apples[col][row] + " "); //switch col and row

                    //this is new line between separate parts
                    System.out.print(" ");
                row += 1;  // print everything that's on row 1/2/3/4, which are Apple 1/2/3/4 



        //finishing messages
        System.out.println("This is the story of an uneaten apple.");
        System.out.println("             THE END              ");

    * A Java Driver/Test method that is the entry point for execution
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        new AppleLoop().printPoem();   //a new apple list and output in one step

You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?

The apple:
   ,--./,-.         ,--./,-.         ,--./,-.         ,--|,-(~)        ,--./,-.      
  /        |       / #      |       / #      |       / #    )=)       /,-._.--~|     
 |          |     |          |     |       @   |    (      (_/ )       __}  {__      
  |        /       |        /       |        /       |        /       |`-._,-`-,     
   `._,._,'         `._,._,'         `._,._,'         `._,._,'         `._,._,'      
This is the story of an uneaten apple.
             THE END              

Display backwards

Apple 2

 * Class for apples: a 2D array of apples
 * As well as method to print the Poem

class AppleLoop {
    String [][] apples;     
     * Constructor initializes a 2D array of apples
    public AppleLoop() {
        //Storing Data in 2D arrays
        apples = new String[][]{   
                //Apple 0
                        "   ,--./,-. ",       //[0][0] 
                        "  /        | ",      //[0][1] 
                        " |          | ",     //[0][2]
                        "  |        /  ",     //[0][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'   "      //[0][4] 
                //Apple 1
                        "   ,--./,-. ",       //[1][0] 
                        "  / #      | ",      //[1][1] 
                        " |          | ",     //[1][2]
                        "  |        /  ",     //[1][3] 
                        "   `._,._,'   "      //[1][4] 
                //Apple 2
                        "   ,--./,-. ",     
                        "  / #      | ",      
                        " |       @  | ",      
                        "  |        /  ",      
                        "   `._,._,'   "       
                //Apple 3
                        "   ,--|,-(~)  ",      //[3][0]
                        "  / #    )=)  ",
                        " (      (_/ ) ",
                        "  |        /  ",
                        "   `._,._,'   "     
                //Apple 4
                        "   ,--./,-. ",        //[4][0]
                        "  /,-._.--~| ",          
                        "   __}  {__   ",       
                        "  |`-._,-`-, ",
                        "   `._,._,'   "         


    public void printPoem() {

        System.out.println("You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?");
        int appleCount = apples.length; //.length  number of rows
        int appleNum = 1; 
        for (int i = 4; i < appleCount && i != -1; i--)   
            System.out.println("The apple:");
            System.out.println(" ");

            for (int row = 0; row < appleNum; row++) {   //if appleNum += 1 once, then 0(row) < 2(1+1), will print Apple 0 & 1
                for (int col = 0; col < apples[row].length; col++) {  

                    // prints specific part of the apple  from the column
                    System.out.print(apples[row][col] + " ");

                    //this is new line between separate parts
            appleNum += 1;


        //finishing messages
        System.out.println("This is the story of an uneaten apple.");
        System.out.println("             THE END              ");

    * A Java Driver/Test method that is the entry point for execution
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        new AppleLoop().printPoem();   //a new apple list and output in one step

You forget to eat your apple, what will happen?

The apple:
  /        |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

The apple:
  /        |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

  / #      |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

The apple:
  /        |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

  / #      |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

  / #      |  
 |       @  |  
  |        /   

The apple:
  /        |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

  / #      |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

  / #      |  
 |       @  |  
  |        /   

  / #    )=)   
 (      (_/ )  
  |        /   

The apple:
  /        |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

  / #      |  
 |          |  
  |        /   

  / #      |  
 |       @  |  
  |        /   

  / #    )=)   
 (      (_/ )  
  |        /   

   __}  {__    

This is the story of an uneaten apple.
             THE END