• List is an interface, and the instances of List can be created by implementing various classes.
  • ArrayList class is used to create a dynamic array that contains objects.

Travel Places Example

  • place.add
  • place.remove
  • place.get()
  • place.size()
  • place.set()
// Importing all utility classes 
import java.util.*;
// Main class
public class places {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main()
        // Creating an object of List class
          // Declaring an object of String type with
        // reference to ArrayList class
        // Type safe list 
        ArrayList<String> place = new ArrayList<String>(); //place - object, <String> - type
        // Adding elements using add() method
        // Custom input elements
        place.add("New York");
        place.add("Los Angeles");
        // Print and display the elements in
        // ArrayList class object 
        System.out.println("a list of places to travel: " + place);

        //remove element of index 1
        System.out.println("a lists of places to travel after traveled to Hawii: " + place);

        //print index 1 of the arraylist with Hawii removed
        System.out.println("where do you want to travel to next? " + place.get(1)); //new index 1 is Los Angeles

        //print the size of the arraylist 
        System.out.println("numbers of places that you are going to travel to: " + place.size()); 

        //change index 1 to Japan
        place.set(1, "Japan");
        System.out.println("changing Los Angeles to Japan: " + place);


a list of places to travel: [New York, Hawii, Los Angeles, Korea]
a lists of places to travel after traveled to Hawii: [New York, Los Angeles, Korea]
where do you want to travel to next? Los Angeles
numbers of places that you are going to travel to: 3
changing Los Angeles to Japan: [New York, Japan, Korea]

Some Things to Know about ArrayList

  • ArrayList is basically a part of the collection framework and is present in java.util package.
// Importing all utility classes 
import java.util.*;
  • ArrayList can not be used for primitive types, like int, char, etc. We need a wrapper class for such cases.
    • Interger for int, Long for long, Boolean for boolean, etc.
    • Wrapper classes provide a way to use primitive data types (int, boolean, etc..) as objects.

Difference between ArrayList and Array

  • ArrayList in Java is used to store dynamically sized collection of elements (more flexible).
Array ArrayList
It can be single-dimensional or multidimensional It can only be single-dimensional
It is static and of fixed length It is dynamic and can be increased or decreased in size when required
An array can hold primitives and objects both in Java ArrayList can only hold objects, not primitives (wrapper classes)
Through the length keyword, we can determine the total size of an array Through the size() method, we can determine the size of an ArrayList
It is faster than ArrayList due to its static behaviour It is slower as compared to the Array due to its dynamic behaviour

Difference between ArrayList and List

List ArrayList
It is an interface It is class
It creates a list of objects that can be accessed by the individual index number It creates a dynamic array that can be expanded when needed
It extends the collection framework. It extends AbstractList class and implements the List interface
It can not be instantiated It can be instantiate

Interface? Class? AbstractList class?

Here is an visual showing the relationship:


Angle Bracket <> in Java

  • used to define Generics
    • Generic is a way to parameterize a class, method, or interface
    • // To create an instance of generic class
      BaseType <Type> obj = new BaseType <Type>()
  • angle bracket(diamond syntax) takes a generic type in the definition and any class as a parameter during the calling
  • to allow type (Integer, String, … etc and user-defined types) to be a parameter to methods, classes, and interfaces

Two ArrayLists (< String > < Integer >)

import java.util.*;

public class places<T> {

    public static void main()
        // arraylist <String>
        ArrayList<String> place = new ArrayList<String>(); //place - object, <String> - type
        place.add("New York");
        place.add("Los Angeles");
        System.out.println("a list of places to travel: " + place);

        // new arraylist <Integer>
        ArrayList<Integer> placeNumber = new ArrayList<Integer>();


        System.out.println("how many possible days do you want to travel for: " + placeNumber);
        System.out.println("how many days you plan to stay in Korea for: " + placeNumber.get(1));


a list of places to travel: [New York, Hawii, Los Angeles, Korea]
how many possible days do you want to travel for: [30, 14, 3]
how many days you plan to stay in Korea for: 14