“Psychology and the Good Life”

  • It’s nothing if you only know the good psychology and the good life without taking actions.
  • Exercise and sleep are important to maintain a good psychology and good life, and it is more important to put them in actions.
    • This relates to me personally because I lack exercise and sleep due to procrastination and not taking action although I know the important of sleep and exercise.
    • Set up goals for when to sleep and exercise.

Gratitude List

  • my family
    • my mom
  • my friends
    • emily
    • ally
    • enze
    • max
  • my teachers

i am grateful for my family, my friends, and all of my teachers. Especially, I want to thank my mom for supporting me in studying and helping me when I encountered problems. She won’t force me to do things that I don’t like and is always supportive of my interests and hobbies. I want to thank my friend Ally for supporting me when I got into the drama/conflict last time, and I learned a lot from her. I am also grateful for my friend Emily because we can complain or talk about anything with each other without any worries, which I am very thankful to have a friend like her.


  • In order to get enough sleep and exercise to maintain a healthy and good life
    • Goal 1 - go to sleep at 12am everyday
    • Goal 2 - learn a new dance every weekend (exercise)

    • I would be a more happy person after acheving and maintaining these goals because my mom usually would be mad at me if I stayed up really late, and also staying up late is making me sleepy during classes and is bad for my health.
    • Dancing is also a great way of getting exercise, and also it’s something that I like to do.